Michael E Loik

User Michael E Loik

User Professor


User831-459-4015 (Fax)

User mloik@ucsc.edu

he, him

Social Sciences Division



Earth & Planetary Sciences Department
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department


Interdisciplinary Sciences Building

473 Interdisciplinary Sciences Building (ISB)

W 10:45-11:45 h live, Th 14:00 - 15:00 h on Zoom, or by appt

Environmental Studies

Postdoc, ESPM&ERG, UC Berkeley 

Ph.D., Biology, Univ California, Los Angeles

M.Sc., Botany, University of Toronto

B.Sc., Biology, University of Toronto

Biophysical Ecology, Ecohydrology, Meteorology, Climate Change Ecology, Climate Mitigation

Climate Change, Plant Stress Tolerance, Elevated CO2, Altered Precipitation, Atmospheric Warming, Sensors, Sustainable Technology

ENVS 23 Physical & Chemical Environment

ENVS 80C Climate Change Science & Policy

ENVS 162 Plant Physiological Ecology & Lab

ENVS 169 Climate Change Ecology

ENVS 196 ClimChg Mitigation & Adaptation

ENVS 196 Sensors for the Environment

For a full list of publications, please visit my lab website publications page or Google Scholar.

Last modified: Jul 06, 2024