Undergraduate Internships

Student holding a flat of seedlings

Agroecology Internships

The Center for Agroecology offers internships where students can gain experience working on a production farm, helping run a farm stand, or working at the Cowell Coffee Shop.

Researchers holding a leaf sample

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Undergraduate Research

The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department has a helpful page listing opportunities for undergraduate students to assist with graduate and faculty research.

Students writing in a field

Environmental Studies Internship Program

The Environmental Studies internship page offers an extensive list of relevant undergraduate internships as well as other helpful information.

Students resting in the forest

Forest Ecology Research Plot Internships

The Forest Ecology Research Plot offers internships where students will help collect data from tree measurements to understory vegetation surveys.

Students measuring with a transect

Fort Ord Natural Reserve Internships

Fort Ord Natural Reserve internships include habitat restoration, stewardship, mapping, and vegetation surveys. All internships take place at the reserve which is a 45 minute to 1 hour drive from campus; carpools are available from the Coastal Science Campus.

Students with entomology specimens

Norris Center Internships

The Norris Center for Natural History offers internships working with their herbarium collection, general collection management, and much more.

Students conducting a beach vegetation survey

Younger Lagoon Reserve Internships

The Habitat Restoration Field Crew at Younger Lagoon Reserve (YLR) works to preserve and restore the coastal habitat at the reserve. Interns will propagate and plant native species as well as removing invasive plants and helping conduct quarterly beach monitoring surveys.

Last modified: Jun 30, 2024